
Purchase a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription for a friend, colleague or loved one.

3 months


One-time payment
  • Full access for 3 months
  • All 3 episodes
  • Over 0 hours of video
Choose Gift

6 months


One-time payment
  • Full access for 6 months
  • All 3 episodes
  • Over 0 hours of video
Choose Gift

1 year


One-time payment
  • Full access for 1 year
  • 23% off the 3 and 6 month gift options
  • All 3 episodes
  • Over 0 hours of video
Choose Gift


Will I be charged on a recurring basis?

Nope. A gift subscription is a one-time payment and you will not be charged again.

When am I charged and when does the gift subscription start?

You are charged immediately, but the subscription does not start until the recipient accepts your gift.

Can I accept a gift if I already have a KidWise subscription?

Yes! If you receive a gift and are currently a subscriber we will apply the credit to your account and the amount will be applied to future invoices.

Get started with our free plan

Our free plan includes 1 subscriber-only episode of your choice and access to 3 free episodes.

View plans and pricing